I was up pretty early this morning so that I could log in and start work at seven. Of course, as there often is, there was a problem logging in. It turns out that right during a production deployment window and during a SAN migration they had decided to do maintenance work on the remote access servers. Great planning.
I eventually got logged in and worked until around one in the afternoon. It wasn’t too much work, it was just spread out all morning. It was a pretty productive day and I was able to spend a lot of time with Liesl.
I got a chance to play quite a bit of Dragon Age: Origins today and I am very close to wrapping it up. We got a chance to watch some of the third season of the Wizards of Waverly Place which is slowly showing up on Netflix as the episodes get transferred from Disney.
Mostly the day was spent just hanging out with the family at home. We did not go anywhere at all.
It was extremely hot today, bouncing off of one hundred degrees. It didn’t feel all that bad but it is warm, there is no doubt.