Medifast Status: Day 176, Down ~64lbs
Busy day today. I ended up being home for much of the day. Heavy work this morning at the office while Art worked on the house. Dominica and Danielle busied themselves with the kids, for the most part.
This afternoon there were numerous errands to be handled. I stayed home with Liesl while Dominica took Luciana to her doctor’s appointment. Everything went well there. Luciana is a happy, healthy baby who is now in the 85th percentile for her age in size! Not something that we could ever say about Liesl. Luciana is already catching up with Liesl at a crazy pace. Standing side by side, Luciana comes up to the middle of Liesl’s shoulder. Luciana is six months old in today and Liesl is three years in one month so Luciana is making some serious progress.
After the doctor appointment Dominica took the Acadia into the shop to get its second oil change. We are averaging an oil change every five and a half months on that vehicle. We really do not drive it very often. Considering that when we do drive it it is almost certainly going to be a trip to either Houston or New York there have been surprisingly few miles put on to it around the Dallas area.
This evening we had a brief call with Danielle and I in one room and Dominica dialing in from her desk in the play room. It was a quick call tonight and we were all able to hang out this evening.
Already the house is much different with new lights and ceiling fans going in. What a difference that is going to make. We have been living with so many of the most basic things in the house broken for so long.