Medifast Status: Day 293, Down ~76.5lbs (23.5lbs to go)
It was grand to come out to the living room this morning and discover our house completely bathed in sunlight. It feels like we just bought ourselves a whole new house! I can’t believe what a difference the painting and cleaning has made. This is awesome. We were not planning on just how much the changing out of the blinds and the paint were going to alter the look of the house. This was time and money well spent.
Today was a day of continued painting and a lot of it. We got started straight away this morning and worked at it all day. In between coats we worked on getting what parts of the house that we could ready for tomorrow. I put in a lot of time today up in the attic. The garage is looking much better with a lot of the stuff that was piling up in there moved up to the attic instead. Now we can move around and find things, well some things, that we need. The garage has been a major issue for us. Getting stuff up to the attic is really critical. It seems like half of our kitchen supplies remain out in the garage.
The painting went on late tonight. We knew that leaving any for tomorrow would be a disaster. We ended up painting until two in the morning! But everything was done. The entire living room is painted and there is enough time for the paint to dry before SpiceCorps DFW meets here tomorrow and that leaves the entire day for cleaning.