Medifast Status: Day 300, Down ~76.5lbs (23.5lbs to go)
Wow, day three hundred on Medifast. It really does not seem like I started so long ago, but I guess that I did. I’ve been dieting for Luciana’s entire life!
I was in the office today. I had to get up and go in early-ish because I had my Medifast appointment this morning at nine in the morning. So I went there before going in to the office. That actually works pretty well so I think that I am going to be moving my appointments usually to early Monday mornings now.
After my appointment I swung in Panera next door to get some coffee as I did not have any this morning yet. I got a free birthday pastry too, which I totally should not have, but it is for my birthday.
I picked up Panda Express on my way home and as soon as I got there we all settled in to watch the second installment of the Happy Potter movies, The Chamber of Secrets. This time we watched with the subtitles on which made a huge difference. It was also easier to follow since dad had now seen one of the movies already so had the basic premise of what was going on.
After we finished the first movie we decided to go straight on to the next installment, movie three The Prisoner of Azkaban. Liesl hung out with us through all of the movies and, for the most part, really enjoyed them. She really loves watching the Quidditch matches.
After the second movie it was pretty late so it was time to be off to bed.