Today is my only day in the office for the early portion of this week. The Fourth of July falls on a Wednesday so the holiday is actually being celebrated in the middle of the week which is a bit odd but it breaks up the week pretty well. So tomorrow I am planning on working from home and Wednesday I have the day off completely. I have several invitations of places to go on the Fourth, mostly from people in the office, but I think that a quiet day at home with Mass Effect 2 will be perfect for me. I really want to finish up the game before Dominica and the girls get home.
At lunch time today I came home and just did work around the house. Actually I spent most of the time on the phone with Dominica so managed to get very little actually done.
The afternoon was really slow. With the holiday being mid-week I suspect that the entire week is going to be completely dead.
I came home and just spent the evening at home. Got in some Mass Effect 2. Went to bed early.