August 1, 2014: We Are All Ready for the Weekend

It’s Friday, nearly the weekend.  I was up early today so took care of paying the bills before leaving for the office.  Kept reading “Founding Brothers” on my way in today.

Got into work earlyish.  Nothing too exciting today.  It was a pretty quiet day, in fact.  Got home at not a bad time, around seven thirty.  I thought that we would be going to the playground tonight but Dominica said that it had been raining much of the day and everything was wet.  Liesl did not feel like going to the playground anyway so we decided against it.  Thankfully Luciana was happy with “can we go tomorrow?”

I did a little work upstairs, maybe forty-five minutes.  Then we put no 30 Rock and watched that for much of the evening.  Luciana was ready for bed around nine thirty so we put her in our bed because she did not feel like being alone in her own room.  We watched just one more episode and then Liesl was ready for bed too.  She hates going to bed or even going upstairs to get ready for bed on her own so I agreed to go upstairs and work in the bedroom for a while so that I would be up there with her.  She liked that idea.
So I ended up going to bed decently early after getting caught up on several things.  The girls both slept in our room.  I have no idea when Dominica came to bed.  Once she gets it into her head to stay up she tends to stay up very late.