I woke up at 4:40 this morning and felt like it was probably time to get up. I could not believe how early it was. I attempted to go back to sleep but at five the girls were calling for me because they thought that they saw a bug in their room. It was just a shadow but I was up at that point so shaved, showered and went to work. Ended up leaving around six so go into the office just after seven. By the time that I left the girls and sneaked into bed with Dominica and Liesl had already almost pushed Dominica onto the floor which she will do if you let her. It was a very foggy drive in this morning. So it was quite an early start at the office for me.
There was horrible traffic on my drive home so I did not manage to get home early at all. It was close to eight when I finally got home. We did nothing much this evening, just watched 30 Rock for a bit before going to bed. I worked with Danielle a little this evening, maybe half an hour.
Was off to bed rather early.
We have most of our SpiceWorld plans made now. Dominica and I are taking the girls to their grandparents’ on the Friday before and driving straight the Art and Danielle’s house from there. Jumping into their minivan and hitting the road immediately to drive straight through down to Dallas where we are going to make a super fast pitstop at our house there to get stuff out of the attic and then on to Austin right away. That is going to be one long drive. About six hours longer than a normal Texas drive. I will be doing the longest going from Connecticut to Peekskill before picking anyone up. Then Dominica and I have a ton of driving before we start the “to Texas” portion of the trip. And the Dallas stop is going to add some time.
I will be driving back with the Ralstons but Dominica will be flying back early. She got her flight booked tonight as well.