October 14, 2014: Staying Home

This morning was my sleep in morning.  I slept in nice and late.  It was great.  Then I got ready and drove out to Connecticut to get the scoop on what is going on at work.  I left the house at eleven thirty, to give myself plenty of buffer time for a one o’clock appointment.  You never know how long that drive is going to take.

So the story, at the moment, is that I am going to be staying home while we work out all of the details at work.  So that is likely going to be a week or two at the very least.  So I was home by three and got to spend the rest of the day with the family.  This is stressful but good at the same time.  It is not like a vacation as I really cannot go anywhere and we are concerned about what the future will bring and I need to be mostly on hand for whatever is needed vis-a-vis the job situation.  But getting to be home for a potentially extended period of time is a nice change of pace.

Unfortunately, we already have future travel plans for Dominica and the girls to go to Texas for nearly two weeks.  That is probably going to overlap with me being at home.  There is no way to change that now, though.  It is what it is.

This begins an untold lengthy stay at home.  This will be interesting.