DuoLingo Streak: 33 Days
I got up at six this morning, side effect of going to bed just after midnight. How do I manage to sleep so little?
I got up, showered, did some work, and prepped for an eight o’clock presentation that Jeremy and I were scheduled to give this morning. I got Jeremy up at a quarter till eight so that we could run down and get breakfast and coffee before the presentation.
The presentation ended up getting pushed back till a little after nine, so we got picked up and went into the office and did things from the board room instead.
We had a very good morning. Lots of good presentation, meeting, and decisions. We are very excited about where things are going.
For lunch, Sujit, Jeremy, and I went to Woodlands so that Jeremy could experience masala dosa. He loved it.

I went for a spicier, more southern style dosa myself. It, too, was delicious.

Our new monitors for the office came today. So we now have twenty seven inch Dell monitors on our desks in the office, this is so much better than it was before. We got a great deal on these from Costco, too. So Jeremy decided that he wanted to stay late in the office so that he could work from the big monitor for as long as he could.
So we got a quiet evening in the office, our first time using it alone for a long period of time. We worked quietly in the office till around seven thirty.
Sujit picked us up tonight and we went to a bar for a couple of beers and dinner. Jeremy got a mushroom burger that he said was the best that he has had in a long time. I got a grilled salmon wrap which was quite good. I should have gotten it with a salad but I got tater tots instead.
We got back to the hotel at nine thirty and actually decided to go straight to bed. So off to sleep super early tonight. We are both feeling just a bit worn out.