Monday. It’s a bright, warm day here today.
First task of the day is getting the girls’ room painted. We had most of the first coat done yesterday, but could not finish it all because there was spackling that still had to dry before we could paint it. That was dry today, so some of the room got its first coat and some got its second this morning.
With the white Kilz primer on the walls, the room is easily twice the brightness that it was before. The difference is just incredible. This was so worth it. It’s a whole new room. We can’t wait to get the girls moved back into it. They come in every few hours to see the progress.
We managed to get a hold of Jim today, our plumber. He’s now scheduled to stop by on Wednesday and get the shower plumbed up for us so that we can actually get the bathroom useable and not just pretty. We’ve been trying to reach him for days, ever since we figured out that the plumbing had to be replaced, so this is very good. Paul will just be arriving tomorrow night, late, after driving all day, so we will barely be getting back to the bathroom heavy duty work before Jim gets here, anyway.
Liesl went out into the courtyard and did some gardening today. She is carefully taking care of our new plants out there.
The girls did some gardening in school today, planting seeds to grow herbs and veggies with some little educational growing kits that we have.

This is the first time that the girls have planted their own seeds. Liesl has been asking to do this for a while. They are loving all of the gardening stuff that we have been doing. Liesl is especially excited about having gardens and getting to work on them outside.

This afternoon we finally finished all of the priming work that needed to be done in the girls’ room. It just needs to dry and we can start putting on the first coat of the Tahitian Breeze colour.
At seven Dominica went out to Walmart to pick up pizza and some other items. Luciana loves Walmart pizza, it is one of her favourite pizzas. And it is cheap, so that’s a pretty good deal, in reality.
The girls Facetimes with their cousins and played video games this evening. They played Roblox and Age of Empires 2.
We watched some more crazy British home builder shows and then it was time to paint again. This time for real.
We worked from something like nine until midnight doing the entire first coat of Tahitian Breeze paint on the girls’ walls. We did the whole room in one go. The girls are so excited, they really love it. They keep coming into the bedroom over and over to see the progress and just keep raving about how it is exactly the room colour that they wanted.
Finally got the girls into bed at half past midnight so that we could start reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight. We did two chapters of it last night, which means that we are starting on chapter nine tonight. Liesl is really loving it, she is so excited to be reading at night regularly again.
Paul will be arriving tomorrow. We expect that he will be on the road very early, like around six in the morning. His drive should be an hour or two shorter this time now that he knows not to drive past us out into central Oklahoma before making his way south. There is no need to go through Tulsa, let alone Oklahoma City, to get to us. That’s just silly. It is a straight shot south from US 44 coming out of Joplin to get into Dallas. So we will likely see him in the middle of the afternoon. Hopefully we can get all of his task list done for the bathroom before he gets here. He left us with a lot to do before he returned so that we can be productive and get it done as quickly as possible.