Sunday. Today was even more storage unit fun than yesterday!
Dominica made breakfast this morning. The girls were up early and got right to playing with their living room full of Playmobile stuff that we finally found in the storage unit. They are so happy about that. Playmobile has always been amongst their favourite toy items and they have missed so much of it. Some of this has been in storage for so long that they can barely remember that they had it, even Liesl struggles to remember it!

Dominica and I worked hard in the storage unit all morning. So much to be done. It was super productive, though. We had a good process going and just worked through box after box, one after another. Good exercise, but we are getting worn out pretty quickly. We really want to make it through the entire unit before we leave. The more we go through, the more we know what is there, the better we can label it. We are re-boxing everything more condensed and donating stuff to the Leicester rummage sale like crazy. We have a huge pile for them in the middle of the barn.
We are getting more and more space to maneuver in the storage unit, which is good. It gets easier as we go, in some ways. But in others, I am getting to boxes stored higher and farther away from the door.
We’ve got the kids working hard going through boxes of toys and dress up clothes figuring out what they want to keep, what gets stored, what is staying at grandpa’s house, what is coming with us, what is getting donated, what fits, what doesn’t, etc. We are keeping them busy.
Sharon and Leo stopped by and go another car load of donation stuff from the barn. It is going to take them many car trips to get all of it, but nothing is so large as to require a truck.
We worked till about midnight and just barely made it to the very last box. We packed some of the car tonight, including the well and getting the furniture in that we are taking. But we have a lot left to do tomorrow in the daylight, too. So we will not be getting onto the road as early as we had been hoping.
We spoke to Paul today and know that he is going to be home tomorrow night. We we are making for Cuba, Missouri and will be spending the night there.
The one thing that we had lost and have been looking, very hard, for in all of these boxes is our Dungeons and Dragons dice. We know that we had it when we packed up and left Texas in 2013, but we have no idea where they could be. It turned out to be in the very bottom, of the very last box that I decided to give one last look into, just before we started repacking the storage unit to lock it up! Four days of storage unit work, and we find it in the last five minutes. Totally crazy.