Wednesday. I slept in a lot today. It was a late night with Luciana not feeling well, and then she got me up during the middle of the night, as well. So I really did not get a lot of sleep, maybe just six or seven hours.
Today is the girls’ homeschool book club at the library. Hard to believe that we have been back in Texas for a month already, it was for their book club that we had to return from New York.
Paul and I worked all morning. The girls left a little before one. Their club is at one thirty. This is their last book club until the group starts back up after the summer holiday in September. Seems like a rather long break, to me.

The girls had a good time and they did a STEM project there, they make bracelets and necklaces with beads that spelled out their names in binary.
After book club, the girls went with their friends to the playground for an hour or two. They had a good time, but had to come home on the early side because Luciana was not feeling so well.
As soon as they were back, Luciana fell asleep on the sofa in our bedroom. She is definitely not fully recovered from being sick.
While Dominica and the girls were out at book club, Jim came over and work on the guest bathroom was moving forward in earnest. Jim and Paul worked up in the attic getting the new electrical run for the new lights going into the bathroom. There is a lot of new, surprise lighting being put in that the guys want to get done while Dominica is not around so that she will be surprised by all of it. The girls are going to love their new bathroom.
This afternoon, Liesl used her room decorating kit that Dominica and I got her for Christmas.

For dinner tonight, Dominica made pasta with broccoli.