July 5, 2018: Back with the Kids

Thursday. I am back to work, more or less, for a day or two. The girls and I are back at dad’s. We have two days here before we need to get on the road to meet up with the rest of the family caravaning down to Texas.

I had a long morning of working on tickets. A lot of things were backed up from me traveling so much for so long. Three days on the road, two days of meetings. I’ve been away from the computer quite a lot. Plus a holiday day, although very few tickets get created on a holiday.

It was really warm today. And a huge rain storm up on the farm.

Dad spent the day hanging out with the girls. They have all really missed each other. I saw all of them very little, as I was just working all day.

Dad got us pizza from Papa Roni’s for dinner (Pap Roni’s is the new name for Davis’ Pizza in Pavilion.) I wonder how many of us still think of it as Davis’. I am pretty sure that the original place opened before I was born. If it didn’t, it was certainly open before I was five and started kindergarten. It seemed like a new business when I was little. But it has “always been there”. I can’t remember when it was sold and renamed, but it has been Papa Roni’s for so long now. But to me, it will always be Davis’. I grew up knowing the Davis family, too.

Liesl and I watched The Last Jedi with dad. I know that dad and I had not seen it before. I don’t believe that Liesl has seen it before, either.

After catching up with Star Wars, we found Armegeddon on Netflix. I have not seen that movie in a very, very long time and, of course, Liesl has never seen it. So we watched that together.

After I put the girls to bed, I worked on NodeBB updates for MangoLassi.