August 12, 2018: Leaving the Kids in Houston

We are down in Houston today, at the Grices’.  The kids are going to be staying here this week, Dominica and I will head back to Dallas tonight.  Today is Sunday.

Everyone was a bit tired today after the party yesterday, so it was sleeping in late.  Then the kids all asked me to play Dungeons & Dragons with them again.  Garrett had stayed up reading a lot of rules last night, in fact, he is so excited to be playing.

But before we could really play, they decided to all get in the pool and swim for the afternoon.  Luciana really wanted me to swim again, so I did, along with her grandfather and Emily.  We played more of the “Oh No” game that I taught them yesterday.  We swam for quite a while.

Dominica and I left mid-afternoon to do the drive back up to Dallas.  We made really good time, almost no traffic at all.