Yesterday was definitely one epic day. Today I have the morning to get caught up on work a little, relax some, and getting ready for going on this evening with the same crew to a “Egg Nog Soire” at Ryan and Michelle’s house.
I spent the morning in the office. Being gone for an entire Friday left me with a lot of stuff that I still needed to work on before I go anywhere today. So it was a pretty busy work morning, and seeing the kids while I could.
Paul and Dominica went out and did some grocery shopping this morning while I was around. They ran errands all morning, barely getting back in time for me to get ready to leave.

I had to get ready around three, and get on the road a little after four. I am not taking the train today, that works for the zoo which sits directly on the train line, but does not work for going to a house party on the south side of the river, that is both too far away and in the part of the city least served by the train system. I don’t even know if one of the train lines goes into that region of the city.
Looking later, it looks like the Dallas Streetcar goes somewhere near there, and the very end of the Red Line might go to the general vicinity. But nothing goes very close or is very convenient.
So after four I hopped into the car, and drove down to Kessler. Dominica had picked up a bottle of wine for me to take to the party. I had been hoping that Dominica would go with me today, but this morning she decided that she was having a bit of a panic attack thinking about going to a party at the house of people that she did not know and having to spend the entire evening making conversation with loads of strangers without even a single person that she had ever met before being there (other than me.) I tried to see if Rachel would want to go, but she had to work this afternoon showing houses over in Fort Worth, and then had some parties of her own that she attended instead. She later regretted not having dropped things to have gone as her other stuff was a bust and this was exactly the kind of party that she would have enjoyed. And it would have been perfect for her real estate career. She needs to go to more places where she is going to interact with potential clients.
So I went to the party all by myself, which in reality worked out pretty well. I am comfortable meeting new people and making conversation and am pretty approachable. If I had had someone with me, that would have been a lot harder to meet new people and would have been a lot of us talking to each other. So in the end, while it would have been nice not to have have to have gone alone, it worked out pretty well that I did.
The party went until well after midnight. It was a really nice crowd and I had a really good time getting to know people. And the egg nog was really good. The house was gorgeously decorated, too. Definitely my kind of party.
It was a fun day, but a long one. A very busy weekend. I am ready for some sleep.