Sunday. Slept in this morning. Then got up and spent the morning hanging out with Dominica watching television in the living room. We hung out for a few hours.
Rachel called around one thirty and asked if I wanted to go LARPing in Denton today. I said no, lol. But she asked if I would go and just hang out at least while she LARPed, so I said okay. Then she surprised me by being right around the corner. She picked me up and we drove up to Denton, also a surprise. She was like “I captured you for the day.”
We drove up to Denton, picked up William, then drove to the park. There were nearly one hundred and twenty people out in the park today. I had no idea there would be so many. It really was like a scene from a movie.

I was not expecting the scale of the event at all. They told me that normally it was closer to fifteen to twenty people, nothing like this. It was a decent day, chilly but the sun was out. Rachel and William got right into the event. I hung out and watched. Totally not my thing, but they were having fun.
It was interesting to watch in person, but I am familiar enough with LARPing that none of it was really surprising. It was all that I expected, just with a lot more people. Although I do have to say that I had no idea that people had bow and arrow sets for this stuff, that was interesting. Also got to see a guy take an “arrow” to the temple and get completely knocked out from it.
We LARPed till five thirty. Then we stopped by Fuzzy Taco and got food to go to take home with us. We had all been crazy Fuzzy Taco all afternoon. I got my usual tempura fish burrito, of course.
We headed over to East Side for a super fast beer as Rachel needed to do a “check in” on her beer app. I got a “strawberry shortcake” which was decent. It was a very fast stop.

We dropped off William, who lives right in Denton, and drove back to the house. Dominica and Paul were heading out to shoot pool and we ready to go as we pulled up. So we tagged teamed out and took over watching the kids.

I had managed to finally talk Rachel into watching Harry Potter and she is finally at the house early enough to make it happen. Luciana had been asking to start watching it again, so the timing was perfect.
I hate my burrito while everyone was getting ready for the movie. Then we fired up Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone and made it all of the way through it. The girls really wanted to go on to the second movie tonight, as did I, but Rachel did not feel that with her ADD that she could sit through it and pay attention. So only one movie for tonight.
Liesl and Luciana went off to their room, then, while Rachel and I watched a couple episodes of The Haunting of Hill House which were less scary, but way more sad, this time. Rachel could not stay late, though, as she had work to do yet tonight and needed to get back “home” to where she is staying with Megan and Daniel.