May 24, 2019: Starting the Long Weekend

Friday. Officially a work day, but things were crazy slow today. It might as well have been a vacation day for me. We were able to relax for much of the day. It was nice. This should be a really nice weekend.

Nick texted from Mexico and said that they were flying back today and wanted to have a party at the house tomorrow. So we are planning on a group coming over tomorrow night. Last chance to really see everyone before a couple of months away with travels. Only about a week until we are “in motion” until essentially August. For all we know, we won’t even make it back until August. It is going to be a long time in Houston, New York, on the road, and Europe.

This evening Kat came over. She is going to stay for the weekend since it is a long, holiday weekend. So mostly just a chill evening hanging out with her. Kat, Liesl, Luciana, and I played some Suspicion tonight as well. The girls have really gotten into board games, and gotten really good at them.