January 18, 2020: Grices Visit, VR, and Station 4


Francesca, Garrett, and Clara drove up to our place this morning and are staying for the long weekend. Dominica and Francesca went out to go shopping as soon as they arrived. Francesca really prefers our shopping up here and always has a list of things that she wants to go to when she gets here.

The VR was a big item today, being very new, and was in continuous use all day long.

I spent the day working as the week has been totally crazy and I had so much stuff still to do that I kept myself pretty busy.

Paul watched the kids tonight. Kat and Taylor came over and around nine thirty Dominica, Francesca, Kat, Taylor, and I went out to the Rose Room at Station 4 in the Gayborhood in downtown Dallas.

It was a nice night out, something we rarely get to do and very needed after this really busy week for me. I needed to disconnect a little.

Tomorrow we are going to Freeplay in Richardson to celebrate Liesl’s birthday (very late, almost two months late) which should be a lot of fun.