August 3, 2021:

I actually got to sleep in until almost six today. One of the latest days of me sleeping in since moving to Nicaragua! Which, by the way, is over two and a half months already. It is amazing how the time just flies.


It was a very short dog walk this morning. None of us were feeling it and Mia was sick again and threw up some plastic bits. So I did not want her to walk more than necessary. She had been sick just before going to bed last night. That she was sick again on our walk this morning made me a little nervous. And a good excuse to give me feet a rest.

Alex came by this morning and stayed for a few hours. Then I had to run to get to meetings. I had my first Spanish class for the week. Just half an hour today, but I have an hour long class tomorrow. That will be very mentally exhausting for sure. I never do an hour long class. My whole morning will be spent preparing for that.

Today felt really exhausting. I am not sure why. I got to bed a little on the earlier side last night and slept in a little this morning. But it just felt like I was really tired all day long. It was quite hard to get any work done. I mostly gave up on doing anything that was mentally taxing.

About five this evening the rain returned. The power went out for a few minutes just before the rain started so I took the chance to step outside and record today’s SGL video vlog for YouTube while there was no way for me to work. By the time that I was done the power was back on and I was able to get the uploads going.

I took the chance this evening to shave my head for the first time since being back in Nicaragua. I only have a small razor so it took a while and I am not sure how good of a job that I did. It is hot here and having any amount of extra hair for me is a problem as it makes me sweat that much more since I only sweat from my head. So tomorrow’s video should look a little different. I felt better having that done.

Dinner tonight was veggies and fried tofu. It was really good and quite healthy. I needed something light tonight so it worked out well. While we were eating the power went out again. It was less than five minutes. Overall we have been pretty lucky with the power. We are still very glad that the generator is there just in case, though.

The girls’ friend Michellez came over this evening and played with them for a few hours. They watched Hotel Transylvania 2 and did some art. It was about ten when she headed home. It was still raining when I took the dogs on their final walk for the night and, of course, they came back and jumped on our clean bed and got muddy paw prints all over it.

I had work to do as late as a little after eleven. I also did my memorization meditation exercises and then was ready for bed.