Wow, is March flying by us or what? It seams like I was doing such a good job with this site and then everything hits and we fall soooo far behind. Sorry about that everybody. Maybe tonight we can get some cool new stuff posted for y’all. The new game around the house is Quake II! Loopy and I swore that we would never get into such a mindless game but here we are, playing it all night long and talking about it at work. I even ordered a new video card for my computer so that I can play it even better. How sad, I know. It is a fun game, though. Bob, Loopman and I all run around killing each other. Tim (our Letter to the Editor guy) is coming over tonight and we will probably get him to play too. He has played before. Tonight, instead of doing our weakly restaurant review session, our friend Cara is coming over and cooking for all of the llamas. See how cool it is to live in the sea? Anyway, sorry about the week+ between postings. I hope that everyone has checked out IthacaPortal, it has been absorbing all of my time. Plus, it looks like I am going to be taking OilNavigator under my wing again. Always something going on. Take care, Llamas!