I woke up on my own at five this morning, which was exactly when I had wanted to have woken up, so I got right up, got dressed, backed my bag and drove down to Brookhaven to use the gym. This is my first day of attempting to go to the gym on my way to the office. If I can get myself into this groove it will be great for me.
I managed to do a full ninety minute workout today, five minutes on the Helix lateral trainer, a full hour on the Arc Trainer (heart rate up to 185 BPM) and twenty five minutes on the treadmill. Then I hit the steam room and showers. This worked our really well. That was an excellent workout and I was able to get to work right on time.
Now to make this a routine. That is going to be the hard part.
I went to the office today and worked all day. Nothing exciting there. Had lunch at Redneck today, Dan and I went. Doue was supposed to go with us but he got caught in a meeting so it was just Dan and I.
This evening I can home, saw the family and on the early side ran down to Las Colinas for my very first night of ballroom dancing lessons. Chris has been trying to get me out for a while to go dancing but I can just never make it. The lessons are at the Studios of Las Colinas.
It was some serious dancing tonight. I was drenched with sweat before we were done. I learned to salsa, to cha cha, to calypso and to rumba. Plus, right at the end, I learned the Zydeco Bounce which is a new line dance. I think that I did pretty well and Chris and the instructors said that they were really happy with my progress.
After three hours of dancing, Rachael emailed me while we were all still hanging out at the studios and wanted to hang out. So Chris and I drove out to Plano to hang out with her at The Holy Grail where he, PSX, Kara and I went a few weeks ago. I drove Chris up there so we dropped his truck at his house. I’ve never actually been to his house before even though it is walking distance from ours and I have, in fact, walked past it before. He is moving a few blocks away in two weeks so there is little chance that I will ever see it again either.
It was probably eleven when we met Rachael at The Holy Grail. We hung out till nearly two and had a good time. She just started her new job really close to us.