After being so tired yesterday everything thought for sure that I would be sleeping in super late this morning. But not so much. I got up around seven thirty and at nine went in to Brookhaven to go work out at the gym. I didn’t do a huge workout but I got around forty minutes in. I feel good about it, I am just getting back into the swing of working out so taking it a little easy.
I got home and pretty soon thereafter Chris came over and he, Dominica and I spent about two hours working on some brochure designs. We made good progress and almost have something that we can use.
Because Luciana’s nap we decided to go to Oktoberfest in Addison which we tried to go to the last two days. We made it with only minutes to spare before the price doubled at five o’clock. This is Dominica’s first time really being in Addison, she had no idea what the town was actually like other than the restaurant row on Beltline. It is really a neat community.
It was blazing hot today, though. Nearly one hundred degrees which is pretty ridiculous for going to an outdoor event, and one with just thousands of people. It was way, way too crowded for us, not really fun at all. It took us at least half an hour, if not an hour, to find Brian Watson and meet up with him. We tried going in the beer hall and it was packed beyond capacity. We got one beer each and gave up on getting more as it was too hot. We split a red velvet funnel cake. That was it. We decided that we would call it a day. The crowd was too much, the food too limited and unhealthy (and not German at all) and it was just too hot. And honestly, we were just in Munich a few months ago at the actual beer hall that they are mimicking here and at the actual beer garden that they wished that they could match. So this was a pretty sad imitation. And in Germany there is a farmer’s market and a fish restaurant serving the beer garden, not funnel cake and meat on a stick stands.
We were hungry and needed actual food so went to Antonio’s, or something like that, right on the main circle in Addison across the street from the Oktoberfest. That was a really good meal, completely off diet, but good.
We got home and Luciana took a nap right away.
This evening Dominica went out dancing in Las Colinas and I stayed home watching the kids. She had a really good time and got a serious workout. She was sweating like crazy, as if she had been running. They danced for about four hours.