Today is our day at home with the kids. Both Dominica and I have been super busy this week with all kinds of concerts, dancing and other stuff. So today we took to spend time with the kids. The girls are always so excited when I stay home. Liesl and I always talk about the days of the week now because she knows that there are days when I stay home and days when I go to work. She is really good at knowing that Friday is the last day that I go to the office and that Saturday and Sunday “daddy stays home!!” It is adorable how much effort she puts into knowing when my days at home are. She and I have really bonded. She probably says “I love you, daddy!” twenty times a day or more.
Very relaxing day. Some cleaning done around the house. We thought that we were going to have house guests tonight. We had some friends who thought that they were coming over but ended up having to cancel on us. So then we thought that we were going to have a quiet night at home alone. Then, at the last minute, the Vielmas decided to come over. So we had a rapid set of changing plans all night. It was nice getting to see them, it’s been weeks since we had a chance to hang out.