Business Analyst Reading List

This page is a work in progress.  I am beginning to compile a rather definitive Business Analyst reading list and will be updating this page with books and short descriptions and reviews. “Writing Effective Use Cases” by Alistair Cockburn “UML for the IT Business Analyst” by Howard Podeswa “Software Requirements” 2nd Ed. by Karl Wiegers …

July 7, 2008: Houseplants Doing Well

When we got home last night the first order of business was to take care of the plants.  They hate when we leave for the weekend as they don’t get their regular water and the apartment gets much warmer than usual.  It becomes a perfect breeding ground for plant pests and it takes it toll …

July 6, 2008: Last Day Camping in the Yard

Last night’s camping went even better than the night before.  This time we figured out that we needed a little more separation between the air matress and us so we added an extra sheet and that was enough to keep us from getting too humid and sticking to the inflatable bed.  Oreo has decided that …

July 5: Camping, Sort Of

The verdict is that we really like camping with our new camping equipment.  We didn’t bring quite as much equipment as we had have having skimped on the sleeping bag and going with nothing but a sheet between us and the cold air mattress but we won’t make that mistake next weekend.  Oreo thought that …

July 4, 2008: Test Camping

Dominica, Oreo and I got a little chance to sleep in this morning which is good as it was pretty late by the time that we managed to get to sleep last night.  We spent the morning and the beginning of the afternoon visiting with Dominica’s parents.  Her mother is flying to Houston early this …