Eric and Dad came down to Ithaca to work on Waste Watcher today and my mom came along to visit. Min came home for lunch and we all headed out to the Nines to get some really good pizza. Eric and Dad were really impressed with how good our pizza is here. We managed to …
Category Archives: Daily
November 21, 2002
Today I am working in Binghamton for US Senator Schumer’s office. Nothing exciting, just bland tech work but the pay is good and the environment is extremely casual. I had a pretty good time working there. The Federal Building in Binghamton is right next door to the Lost Dog Cafe so I went there to …
November 20, 2002
Another day with Time Warner Cable / Road Runner and no service. Heaven only knows what is wrong today. We have had so many problems recently that I don’t know what to expect at all with them. We have had everything from shutoffs due to billing mistakes to glitches in the system to just the …
November 19, 2002
I spent the day working on my Internet radio station. It is working for the most part but I am still having a couple of basic problems that I want to get fixed. It should be working soon, though. I went out and bought a Compact Flash memory card for my Zaurus today and the …
November 18, 2002
Very little happened today. I spent most of the day getting the Internet radio station working better and better. We still aren’t there yet but we have gotten a lot closer. Every little project that I do like this teaches me so much about Linux. This radio station is going to be pretty cool once …