March 6, 2003

My last full day in Schenectady this week. After work, I came back to the hotel and watched Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective which I haven’t seen since it was in theatres in the late 1980’s. It was the first movie that I had ever seen at a drive-in. I remember my parents taking me to see it at the Silver Lake Drive In in Perry and it just rained and rained. After that, I watched the first half of Monsoon Wedding. By the time I was halfway through, I was just too tired and decided that I would watch the rest of it tomorrow at home.

Match 5, 2003

I was supposed to go to work at the restaurant after working at Schenectady International today and I stood in front of the hotel for an hour waiting to be picked up (luckily I was talking to Eric on the phone and didn’t really notice the time passing.) I was never picked up so I called the restaurant and they said that they had left a message that they couldn’t work with me tonight. But of couse the people working at the hotel did not speak English well so they were unable to give me the message until morning (the General Manager had to inform me the next morning.) So I got the evening to myself again. Nothing exciting, just relaxing in the room.

March 4, 2003: Happy Fat Tuesday

We are getting nine hour days now which is really cool since I have to be out of town. We are getting overtime pay for the extra five hours a week so it is basically like getting an extra day pay every week. It looks like I will only be out here for the remainder of this week or at most two days next week. I expect that there is no way that I won’t be back in Ithaca by Wednesday evening.

The hotel still didn’t have anything for me to do so I took the night off again. I skipped dinner last night and tonight. I am so tired of doing things that I am happy to just be in the room and I don’t even need to food to entertain me. I am hoping to be able to take the Linux+ exam next week while I am home and I want to get ready for that.

There is very little news to report while I am out of town. Since I am avoiding the world, there is nothing happening.

The only real news for the day is that Eric has had an offer accepted on a house that he wants to buy. He has also been preliminarily approved for the mortgage. So, he is quite close to buying a raised ranch in Livonia (a the joys of being a home owner.)

March 3, 2003

My first day working out in Schenectady alone. The work is boring but I am looking forward to having some time to myself. I have plenty of things to keep myself occupied while I am here this week so I am not worried. I never did manage to get the DVD player to work so I gave up on that and left it at the house. Nate is going to hook it up in the living room so that we can watch movies while we use all of the excercise equipment. Today I am just going to take it easy. I was planning on doing a little experimenting with the wireless system at the hotel. But, it turned out that they weren’t ready to start looking at it at all so most likely I won’t be able to do anything with their high speed internet access while I am here. I will still though. So I am on dial-up again this week. Updates will be slow but I will do what I can. At least I can get up significantly later now because I have the room to myself. No more waiting for other people to get ready in the morning.

March 2, 2003

Min and I got up this morning and went out to brunch at Rogue’s Harbor in Lansing. As always it was really good. After that, I spent much of the day preparing to leave tomorrow. I have a lot to get ready for. I am working at the hotel this week attempting to install a wireless high speed access system at the hotel. I have to take my laptop as well as my zaurus, a router and a wireless system. I will be very busy while I am in Schenectady.

Loopy has gotten his Linux desktop up and running well and is finally getting it work usefully.