January 26, 2003

Travel day. Min and I got up and started packing first thing this morning. We watched some television before we hit the road. We ended up not leaving until around 5:30 in the afternoon after I had gotten some work done. We raced to get to Best Buy before it closed so that I could pick up the Dark Age of Camelot and its expansion pack. It is one of those new MUD style massive multiplayer games. I have been interested in getting into one for a while and I heard that this one was pretty good. So, I finally broke down and decided to give one a try. I will keep you up to date on how it is.

We made it about half way through Pennsylvania when the snow started to come down really heavily and soon travelling was practically impossible. We slowed down to under thirty miles an hour from Harrisburg and north and finally I decided that I couldn’t take anymore around Hazleton and we managed to find a hotel in West Hazleton where we could get off of the road. This is the second time that I have gotten stranded along 81 right in that area.

January 25, 2003

Min and I slept in a lot this morning. We didn’t get up until almost noon. We went out to lunch at the Double T Diner and then we went out to the mall. I managed to find the book “Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance” on CD which I have been wanting. We managed to get back to the house just in time to head out to dinner at Deep Creak. After dinner we returned to the house and watched some British television which Min has become addicted to.

Sorry that the updates are short this week and coming a bit late. I have had Internet access but I had some setup to do to be able to do the updates from my laptop that I recently reinstalled.

January 24, 2003

Min and Gibran hit the road at 9am this morning. I was originally scheduled to go to the DCHA meeting at noon but we had too many people going so I bailed on the meeting. I met with Childrens National Med Center at 2pm and then I had to run out to Rockville to pick up Min. I managed to get to her just before 5pm. We drove back to Annapolis in heavy rush hour traffic. We went out to dinner with John, Michelle and the girls at Texas Steaks where they had some live music. After dinner Min and I headed back to the house and went to bed early. Min’s back is hurting from having been in the car all day.

Phil called this evening and we talked late into the night about televisions and computers. He is going out shopping with Josh tomorrow. He is finally putting a new machine together.

January 23, 2003

I am in a suit today. No one gets to see that very often. This morning I got up and shaved my bleached hair, finally. It has been lingering ever since New Year’s. It wasn’t looking too bad, by this point it was half blonde and half dark but I had meetings today so it had to go. John and I headed into the office at 9am and got there at 10. We had some hospitals come to see our facility this morning and so we spent most of the day showing off the hospital.

Min and Gibran were going to come down from New York this evening after work but the bad weather in NY kept them from being able to leave so they decided that they would travel in the morning.

January 20, 2003

Today is my sleep day. I didn’t bother getting out of bed until six in the afternoon. After that I watched DVDs – The Family Man, Dune and Beat the Devil. The original Dune was not nearly as good as the new television miniseries from a couple years ago. But at least it had Patrick Stewart. Beat the Devil wasn’t very entertaining. It was rather dry and hard to follow. The story was not intriguing at all. The Family Man was awesome. I really liked it. After that, I pretty much went back to bed so that I could function tomorrow.