December 16, 2002

I ended up not being able to leave Ithaca until 10:00 pm last night so I didn’t arrive in Annapolis until 3:15 am. That really sucked because I had to be at work in DC at 7:45 am. I managed to get into bed and fall asleep at 3:30 am. I brought an alarm clock with me to make sure that I would be able to get up when I need to (after just 2 hours of sleep) but the alarm clock is old and apparently died during the trip down to Annapolis because it didn’t go off (I checked it thoroughly, there is only one on/off switch for the alarm and really nothing else, the clock is dead.) I was really lucky that I happened to wake up at 5:29 and was watching as the clock flipped to 5:30 and didn’t go off. So, disaster was averted (I could easily have slept until 10 or later.) I showered and hit the road by 6:15 and arrived at the Anti-Defamation Leagure by 7:30. We ended up not having our whole crew there until noon (I was the team lead) so we ended up working a twelve hour day to make sure that everything got done. I like the overtime but the day was LONG. I ended up working with someone who went to school with Zach in Buffalo and was the best friend of his Junior Prom date whom she called from work to tell that she was working with Zach’s roomate. We all had a big laugh over that, very small world. Another girl who was working there had gone to high school at Honeyeo-Falls Lima which was a bordering school to Avon where Loopy went and was my high school swim teams arch rivals in the county.

I made it back to the house around 8:00pm after a very long day and went straight to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow because John and I are driving to South Carolina.

December 15, 2002

Today is the last show of Nate and Bob’s kids doing “Babes In Arms” down at Boynton Middle School. So, I headed down there for that. Min didn’t go, she wasn’t feeling very well. The show was pretty good. The kids did a really good job. I am not a fan of the musical, though, so that makes it a lot less enjoyable. I don’t like the music or the story from it.

After the show, I headed back home to get some last minute things done and then I headed off to Annapolis where I will be all week. I have a contract job to work in DC tomorrow morning, early in the morning so I have to be down there tonight.

December 14, 2002

This evening, Min and I got the chance to go and see the Sons of Pitches concert at the State Theater that was sold out. Luckily, Ryan called the other night and he was able to get me a couple of tickets. The show has been sold out all week. We had a really good time. Todd East, from Rochester, opened for them and he was really good and the show was just amazing. I have never seen the Pitches at a venue that large before and it was really cool. During the show, they got the call that they were going to be opening some shows for the Temptations starting next weekend in Rochester. If you get a chance to go see them in concert, you really have to do it, they are REALLY good.

December 13, 2002

TGIF. My parents came down to meet Min and I for lunch today. We went out to the Little Thai house on Triphammer. It is only the second time that my parents have ever had Thai.

Today is Dominica’s company’s Christmas party. We had to get ready this afternoon and head on over to the Statler Hotel at 5:30 for the party that ran until midnight. We had a good time but the party was a little bit boring. Definitely not much going on there. It would have been a lot nicer if they just wouldn’t have had the boring DJ.

December 12, 2002

This morning was one of those incredibly beautiful winter mornings (yes, yes, I know it is still Autumn) when the ice has fallen the day before just enough to catch the falling snow of the night on all of the tree branches and on the ground making for that high contract wet wood and bright white snow. And on top of that, a heavy fog had rolled in making the distance grey in that mysterious way that can only happen in winter. It was awesome just to be able to look out the windows this morning. And with the house located in the woods the way we are – the view was just incredible. If I had been thinking, I would have run out and gotten some pictures of it but I was having too much fun just watching it all.

I spent a lot of the day working on updating the Waste Watcher program to look a little bit more modern. I got enough done that I think it will have a real impact. Our guys already noticed a difference from the work that I had done yesterday. Loopy and I worked down at the Lifestyle’s office a little bit this afternoon. Loopy has been working on a new web site for them and he wanted to show them what he had so far.

Yes, the New Year’s Party is really on and everyone is invited. I will send out invitations tomorrow (I hope.) And I will get an info page up so that everyone knows the latest details.

The web site will probably be lacking in material over the next week as I am going to be supremely busy. I am traveling four days out of the next ten, have two Christmas parties (the kind that go for two days) and have to work in both Washington and South Carolina. So there is just a lot to do. Don’t be surprised if I fail to keep up with the site. Not that it will be anything new.

Loopy is working tonight on making some Java video games to sell online. He has seen some sites that make a lot of money doing exactly that so he is working on making some of his own.