October 22, 2002

I am starting to fall behind on the page a little bit. It seems like it has been a busy week but I don’t think that it really has been all that much.

Eric and I had a meeting in Corning today but some mess up occurred and we ended up not having the meeting. That was a lot of effort for nothing. We weren’t really planning on having anything happen at the meeting but it would have been nice to not have wasted the time for nothing. Eric and I are heading down to Washington, DC the first full week in November. It will be the most time that Eric has ever spent down there. At least Eric and I had a good time driving around Corning. I haven’t been there in years and he has never been there at all before. It really is an attractive town with a lot of interesting stuff going on.

October 21, 2002

Today is my day to rest. No more traveling for a whole six days 🙂 I am driving to Ottawa this weekend but nothing farther than Corning until then.

Dominica made me get As Time Goes By Series 4 yesterday and we finished watching it today. She and I have now seen all of the first four seasons and Loopy has seen about a third of them. He is going to borrow the disks and watch them himself sometime soon. That is such a good show. We can hardly wait until season five releases this winter. Also releasing this winter is Red Dwarf’s first two seasons.

October 20, 2002

I am finally home from Maine. I got my lazy butt out of bed at 3:30 this morning and jumped in the car and was on my way back to Ithaca by 4:30. The sun didn’t come up for hours. I drove a couple of hours before I decided to stop at a Burger King and get some breakfast.

I am spending a bit of time today attempting to build a new router / filewall for the house. The old Netgear RT-311 has served us well for a long time but we are looking to move to something meatier with more security and options (plus more opportunity to learn and experiment.) We are now trying out SmoothWall Firewall 2.0 Beta2. It installed really easily but getting it completely working seems to be another story.

Dominica is playing my Tropico video game that I got a few months ago. I have the Paradise Island expansion pack too. Eric looked at it a week or two ago and thought that it looked pretty interesting. It is a fun game but it doesn’t have a ton of replay value because it doesn’t have any multi-player functionality. The graphics and music are really good and the game play is different.

October 19, 2002

My second day in Maine. Today is much colder than it was yesterday. Yesterday, I was able to hike with just a fleece on but today I have to wear a coat. It was supposed to rain all day here but it ended up only raining in the evening. We went for a hike along Long Pond near Seal Harbor. There were some puppies on the trail that I got to play with.

I have had the hardest time finding any food here on the island. New Englanders are very unaccommodating for vegetarians. If you find a restaurant that says it has vegetarian, it normally means that they have a vegetable stir fry. Just whatever they have lying around they will through it a skillet and heat up for you and throw it on some rice. Most restaurants advertised having at least one vegetarian dish but a couple of places weren’t carrying it anymore for the season. There was a local beer that I wanted to try and every place that I ordered it said that they were out of it as well.

October 18, 2002: In Bar Harbor

My first full day in Maine. I haven’t been to Bar Harbor at all since 1992 and then it was only for a day or two. In my youth, I would come here frequently. This was my family’s official vacation spot and this is my sixth trip and my parent’s tenth. Bar Harbor practically defines vacation to me. Between the mountains of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Virginia – I saw little else. Family vacations always meant hiking in the mountains. It is beautiful up here. I am surprised that I still know my way around. It has been so long and I have never driven on the island before. It feels really weird to be driving here. Both Nugget and Buffer (two of our three dogs that we had while I was growing up) came to Mount Desert Island a number of times.

Today my parents and I started off with some hiking up to Beech and Canada Cliffs on Beech Mountain on the west side of the island. My mom is able to climb the mountain, just very slowly now but she is fine on level or descending ground. She is still in better shape than either dad or I.

After doing a little light mountain hiking we took to the island’s Azalea gardens near Northeast Harbor. There are two exquisite private gardens there that you can go see. They are really something. If I ever stay on the island again, I will likely stay in Northeast Harbor. It is more pleasent and less touristy.