Not an incredibly exciting day – Eric arrived at the Llama House around 7:15am (he had hit the road around 5:00am) and we packed the car and managed to be on our way to Pittsburgh by a quarter to eight. It is a long drive but not too bad. We managed to get to Shadyside Hospital at exactly the perfect time to stop for a quick bite at Taco Bell right across the street and the to hustle right on it to our meeting – which went very well. Then we headed over to the Holiday Inn where we always stay and got ourselves a room. We ate dinner at the hotel and pretty much went straight to bed. We just aren’t as young as we used to be! Driving all day does wear you out. And we need to be up early in the morning so it is probably best.
October 1, 2002: The Naming of the SGL Mascot
And for the month of October…
Leanne wins the LotM competition by naming the Llama mascot. The llama was supposed to be named for September but I got behind in choosing a name from those submitted. A number of people tried to submit after the dealine because they were lazy but they weren’t considered since most of them don’t read the site often enough to have submitted the name on time. Shame on you. There were a number of entries so don’t feel bad if yours wasn’t picked. I know that everyone thinks that they were the only one to write in but that just isn’t the case.
The Llama Mascot of Sheep Guarding Llama is RAUL.
Expect to see pictures of Raul appearing in our pages in the near future. I was extremely busy today and just couldn’t get to it. And my scanner is broken so there are a lot of other pictures that you almost got to see but didn’t. I will be home on Friday.
I knew that I was going to be busy today. Eric and I are leaving for Pittsburgh first thing in the morning tomorrow so today is my last day to get prepared for the trip. By 10:30 this morning, I had already added two meeting in Canton, Ohio on Thursday to the agenda. So this is going to be a very busy and very productive trip indeed.
In addition to all of the work that I got done today, I also managed to copy a lot of CDs into my Ogg Vorbis radio system. I have been using the system almost continuously for weeks now and I really love it. It isn’t playing while I am writing this because I am using its station to install the Beta of Windows .NET Server so that I can try that out. I haven’t had a lot of time to look at .NET Server yet but so far it is pretty nice compared to a lot of past MS products. It is most similar to Windows XP but it is definitely a different animal under the hood.
Dominica is knitting like a fiend again today. She is trying to see if she can make a sweater in just two days. She just might make it. She has quite a bit of it done already.
Eric and I are heading out early in the morning. Eric is dropping his car off here at the Llama House at 7:30am and then we are heading straight to Pittsburgh. It is a long day but not all that long. Our meeting is at 2:30 so we will have some room for error there. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn in Oakland as usual tomorrow night. Then we will be heading to Canton, Ohio (where my family is from) first thing in the morning to make an early meeting with Mercy Hospital and then an afternoon meeting with Aultman Hospital. It will be a very busy day indeed.
There will most likely not be an update tomorrow – or not much of one at least – as I will be out of town.
September 30, 2002: Chemistry Is Cool
Eric discovered a really cool web site today for all of you chemists out there Normally I’m not into science sites like this but this one is really well done. A really good use of flash in a regular web site. This would be a great site for kids to learn about chemistry (the periodic table, at least.)
So today started out pretty crappy. There was some confusion on Loopy’s contract for today and it turns out that the sites weren’t ready for him and he wasn’t really working today. So he was at least up early. But it didn’t do him much good. I got up and drove all of the way to Binghamton just to discover that the job had been postponed and I was the one guy they didn’t bother to get a hold of (yeah, right.) This is the second time that I have tried to work for The Computer Merchants Ltd. and they have really screwed me. They said that I might be able to work on Wednesday – but of course I am working somewhere else on Wednesday so I am just out all the time and money and the other turned down contracts. Sometimes it is pretty rough being a contractor. Actually, most of the time. On a positive note, my resume is about to be viewed for the 10,000th time just between Monster and HotJobs alone (not including the tons of views on Headhunter/CareerPath, Computer Jobs and Dice!!)
After writing a long letter to TCML (the consulting group I was supposed to be working through today) I immediately got a phone call apologizing and then another email doing the same. I am getting paid for the time that I spent driving to the job and I am expected to be working the job next week (although I am not holding my breathe for that.)
I haven’t had a ton of time to work on the site but at least I did finally post the Letter to the Editor that Natalie sent to me more than a month ago. It isn’t quite an actual letter to the editor, it is actually a reprint that she sent to me but it was as close as I was going to get so here it is. I am desperate for material, as you can see.
I am going to be home tomorrow working like crazy so expect to see some exciting content showing up (I have no idea what it will be but I am sure that it will be awesome.)
September 29, 2002
I slept in pretty late today (for obvious reasons.) Today is a relaxing day. No guests (as far as I know.) Dominica made lunch for Loopy and I and then we went out to Borders and Tops to get a few things. I picked up a book on Flash MX so that I could start playing around with that new software. While we were there I found some books on maps of the ancient world so I had to get those too. Many of you know that I am an ancient history buff.
Very little happened today. I am writing today’s update while I am busy printing out the crap loads of information pertaining to the job that I am scheduled to do tomorrow. I am working in Senator Shumer’s office in Binghamton. It is going to be a really long day – I am sure. Altogether, I have about 200 pages of paperwork to deal with for working on two computers tomorrow. I just know that it is really going to suck. But, at least the money is good for once and it is only for a day. And the biggest deal is that I get to work for the US Senate which whill most likely look pretty decent on my resume. After this, I will have a number of pretty good names on my resume like HP, Compaq, IBM, US Senate and the US Department of Defense. Sooner or later, all of this experience is bound to get me a good job.
Today, I went to scan something for Loopy on my scanner and it dies. I am not impressed by the life span of this HP Scanner. I have had both an HP Scanner and a printer die long before their times. HP doesn’t really put much effort into building their products to last, it doesn’t seem. They are nice products the first time you use them but I have only ever scanned a maximum of 50 pictures on this scanner. That isn’t very impressive even when you consider the good price I got it for. In fact, it is downright pathetic.
Dominica is knitting a new sweater now. It is coming along pretty quickly.
I am way behind on keeping the site up to date with things that people send me but at least I got one more page added to the funnies today. I will be slowly updating all of the funny stuff to the new look for the site. It will take a long time though so hang on. Not that everyone hasn’t read that stuff already but for the new comers to the site…
September 28, 2002
We all slept in really late this morning. Eric, Amanda, Loopy and I all stayed up until 2:00 in the morning drinking. That may not sound so late to you youngsters but some of us are getting older and we are built for this anymore. We all got up around noon and decided to head out for some brunch (nothing as much fun as eating in Ithaca!)
Loopy was in pretty rough shape this morning – in fact he was still in pretty rough shape in the afternoon. He is definitely not able to drink the way that he used to! He only had six drinks and he was gone. Eric was pretty funny as well.
First thing this morning, Min, Eric, Amanda and I ran down to Bistro Q and had some brunch. They have a really amazing brunch there. Eric and Min had the Huevos Rancheros, Amanda had the eggs benedict and I had the eggs florentine. It was all delicious. After brunch we all went yarn shopping up on East Hill and then took off to hit the Cayuga Lake East Wine Trail. There are only three wineries on the east side of Cayuga so it is perfect for going out later in the afternoon. We started at Six Mile Creek because they are right in Ithaca. This was Eric and Amanda’s first time at a winery. After Six Mile Creek we headed out to Treleaven Winery in King Ferry. Treleaven was awesome and Amanda and Min started getting a little giggly. Eric and Amanda like sweeter (especially not oaky) wines and Treleaven had more to their liking. After Treleaven we headed to Aurora to Long Point Winery. Long Point was Min and my favorite. They had so much good stuff – we had a terrible time deciding what we wanted. Min and I ended up buying a case of wine (total from all three wineries) and Eric and Amanda bought almost a half a case.
After the wine tour we returned to the llama house and ordered some pizza from the Nines (we tried to order from Mama Theresa’s but they were being difficult.) This weekend is homecoming so town is a little bit busy. The pizza arrived a couple of hours later and a bunch of Dominica’s friends from work came over to hang out. Jessica, Gibran, Jamie and Dave all came over. So, we tore through about six or seven bottles of wine while they were all here. Loopy declined to have anything to drink, however.
We ended up staying up pretty late – I don’t think that I got to bed until 4:00am! Eric and Amanda are heading back to Groveland early in the morning because Amanda has homework that she needs to get done for Monday.