I have a DVD player working in my bedroom now so we can say “Goodbye!” to any productivity that I might have had previously 🙂 Maybe now, with a player in my room, I can finally watch all of those DVDs that Josh and Phil have been lending to me. They have been piling up on my shelf. I never have the time to go sit in the den and watch a movie so this should help. I already watched one movie in here which is as much as I have watched movies in the house since we moved in!
The good news of the weekend is that I finally have possession of my Mazda PR5! It is so nice to finally have my new car. Of course, I only have it until today. Today I have to drive the new PR5 back to Rochester to put it into storage for the winter. My old Buick runs fine to get my through the winter and then I can bring out the new Mazda once the snow has melted. It is going to be rough giving up my baby so soon though. The RX-7 is done in the shop although they weren’t able to fix any of the things that they broke the last time that it was in there. Never, ever use Ontario Mazda and Honda. What a horrible dealership. They refused to sell me a car and broke my RX-7. I am terribly unimpressed.
Opera 6 is now available for a free download. Opera and Mozilla are the best ways to look at Sheep Guarding Llama. Please help us so NO to Microsoft browsing technology. Well over three million downloads of Opera have taken place from one of their American mirrors alone. This is amazing considering Opera is a Finnish Norwegian company. I would also like to commend our own, local Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) for providing one of the free FTP servers for Opera.
Kelley’s Heroes had our last parade on Saturday afternoon. It was a little cold but not too bad. We had snow and ice last year for the same parade so we were happy. No more marching until next season now.
Not much other news for three days without a Llama update. Look for our news Bios section coming soon.
[Editor’s note from 2007: In 2007 dad went back to his archive of video and converted the parade video from this weekend to Xvid and I posted it to OurMedia to make it available. You can now get video information about that video from SGL’s 2001 Christmas in Caledonia Parade with Kelley’s Heroes page. The video also includes a little footage of the PR5 immediately after it was picked up from the showroom.]