January 15, 2020: ST3 Completed


After being so cold yesterday, we are back to air conditioning yet again. Good, but very busy, day. Our new internal RMM project called FoxRMM is kicking off today internally and made us just crazy busy.

Liesl and I managed to wrap up Stranger Things 3 tonight. We got in the last two episodes and that was my entire free time for the day. At least we got to hang out for nearly an hour.

January 14, 2020: ST3 with Liesl


Today is the final day of Windows 7 support from Microsoft so work is totally mad as we are in the final push to get people moved off of Windows 7 to Windows 10 in the final hours of it being free.

Tonight Liesl and I watched a few episodes of Stranger Things: Season 3 which she is enjoying on her first time through and I am watching for the second time.

January 13, 2020: D&D Night


Really busy work week starting today. I did get our fake medical billing problem that I had talked about some time ago fixed today, it finally flowed through to the credit reporting agencies and we see it showing up now as being removed which is awesome.

Tonight is our Dungeons & Dragons night with Kat and Taylor. We play for many hours and it is pretty exhausting. The girls are really into it and loving D&D game play. This is totally their thing. They totally love it. Dominica really likes it to. As do Kat and Taylor. It’s just generally quite popular.

January 12, 2020: Liesl Watches Austin Powers 3

Sunday. We all watched a documentary about scotch on Hulu this morning. We are really enjoying this series. I’ve been watching some of the more recent Pierce Brosnan as James Bond movies yesterday and today. It has been a really long time since I have seen them.

This evening, Liesl watched Austin Powers 3: Goldmember for the first time with us. One of the few movies that she enjoys watching with us.