Robert Dewar on Java (and College)

Two recent interviews with Prof. Robert Dewar of NYU, Who Killed the Software Engineer and The ‘Anti-Java’ Professor, have recently been popular on the web and I wanted to add my own commentary to the situation.  These interviews arise from Dewar’s article in the Software Technology Support Center: Computer Science Education: Where are the Software …

Singleton Pattern in Java

Implementing a Singleton Class Pattern in Java is a common and easy task. The Singleton Pattern (as definied by the Gang of Four in 1995) is to “ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.” The idea behind the Singleton pattern is that there can only be …

Ignite Realtime Spark IM Can’t Open Web Links in Linux

In the latest version of the Java based Jabber/XMPP Instant Messaging client Spark by Ignite Realtime / Jive Software (Spark 2.5.8) there is a “bug” that keeps Spark from being able to open hyperlinks properly. According to AGomez in the Spark discussion group the client is hardcoded to point to Netscape which is, of course, …