Simple Ruby Twitter Client – Tweet [Ruby]

This is my simple, Ruby based Twitter client using Curl designed for UNIX systems like Linux, Mac OSX, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.  The only requirements are Curl and Ruby. In order to use Tweet, simply copy all of the included code into your favourite text editor (I use vi) and save as ‘Tweet’.  Don’t forget to …

Ruby/Qt: qtruby4.rb:2144: [BUG] [x86_64-linux]

You are working with Ruby and Qt and you get the following error: /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/Qt/qtruby4.rb:2144: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03) [x86_64-linux] This is usually caused by a library linking problem. Most likely you are using: require ‘Qt’ Personally, I run into this problem when using Ruby/Qt on Novell OpenSUSE 11 64bit (x86_64 / AMD64).  What …

Robert Dewar on Java (and College)

Two recent interviews with Prof. Robert Dewar of NYU, Who Killed the Software Engineer and The ‘Anti-Java’ Professor, have recently been popular on the web and I wanted to add my own commentary to the situation.  These interviews arise from Dewar’s article in the Software Technology Support Center: Computer Science Education: Where are the Software …

June 20, 2008: Introducing HandBrake Helper

Oreo was incredibly tired as Dominica dragged him off to daycare this morning. He was giving me the big, sad puppy dog eyes saying “save me daddy” which he does when he really, really wants to just stay home and sleep. He doesn’t know that on days when he goes to daycare that I get …

Singleton Pattern in C#

Implementing the Gang of Four Singleton Pattern in Microsoft’s C# .NET language is nearly identical to its Java implementation. The Singleton Pattern (as definied by the Gang of Four in 1995) is to “ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.” The idea behind the Singleton pattern …