Linux’ kscand

In Linux the kscand process is a kernel process which is a key component of the virtual memory (vm) system.  According to Unix Tech Tips & Tricks’ excellent Understanding Virtual Memory article “The kscand task periodically sweeps through all the pages in memory, taking note of the amount of time the page has been in …

February 3, 2008: Oreo is Famous, Again

While doing some other research today I came across a really nice Introduction to Cron for you UNIX users out there. And this page, which I have found before, on easy ways to do remote file copies via SSH. I wanted to get up decently early this morning, probably around nine, but when I started …

February 2, 2008: Lazy Saturday at Home

I had to get up at a quarter to eight this morning to do some work for the office. One of the hazards of supporting London, Belfast and Manama is that anything that happens on the weekend is likely to happen very, very early. So even though I am working at eight here I am …