October 23, 2001

Well, gang, sorry about the lapse in service there. Things have been mighty crazy around here. I have been out of town a lot in the last two months in South Carolina, Washington, D.C., San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, etc. And the Llamas have officially and finally moved to our new place in Varna! Whoo-hoo! We are very happy to have finally been able to move. The Mazda RX-7 is still at the old place because it is not running yet but what are you going to do. Soon I am going to have Josh set up so that he is able to be working on this site too so that it is less likely that my schedule will cause a huge lapse in news like that. My web editing machine is back up and running now after a month or more of it being down so I can edit the site again.

We have a new email server now and you can now mail all of us @SheepGuardingLlama.com. How cool is that. If you are adamant enough about it, maybe you too can get email at SheepGuaringLlama. What a great way to say that you are a fan of the site?

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