March 31, 2003

Today was a different day. I slept in a bit this morning but I was exhausted from yesterday. I started the day with a surprise interview from Acendex in Cleveland. I had interviewed with them a while back but I had assumed that they had decided that they weren’t interested in me. But they called back today and I am going out to Cleveland on Thursday for an in person interview.

Min and I did lunch down at State Street and I did some shopping at Borders. I wanted to pick up some new books and I also managed to find a movie that I have been looking for, Once Upon a Time in India.

In the evening, Loopy, Min, Bob, Zach and I all watched Steve Martin in The Jerk. I have seen it before, I think, or at least part of it, but I don’t think that I have ever sat down and watched it all at once. Only Zach has seen it all the way through before. I don’t think that it is a very good movie but it does have its moments.

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