January 13, 2008: More D&D

Dominica and I slept in very late this morning. We were both totally exhausted from yesterday. So it was around eleven this morning when we finally decided that it was time to get up. Oreo enjoyed the snuggle time.

We are getting concerned that Oreo has been eating a lot more than usual lately and we are entertaining the idea that he might have worms. We haven’t seen any evidence that he does but he has been eating far more food than it seems would be appropriate and he isn’t putting on any weight that we can see. So we are going to be getting the lab to check him out pretty soon.

Ramona and Winni came by a little after noon with vegetable stew and vegan cornbread (soy milk, bananas instead of eggs, etc.) It was really good. We ate that before getting ready for Dungeons & Dragons today. Our day is going to be pretty short as Winni has to catch a flight to Wisconsin at six thirty out of Newark.

Kevin came over and we played the campaign from about one until five – so four hours of game time. Around three we ordered in some pizza from Nino’s.

Dominica and I just relaxed for the rest of the evening. I did some homework for my Project Management class and we watched the remainder of the first season of What I Like About You. Then it was time for bed.

I am working the early shift this week so I need to get some sleep.

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