January 8, 2008: No Title Today, Meh

Oreo was a very restless dog last night. I tried to go to bed around eleven but the moment that I was all set to fall asleep Oreo decided that he needed me to take him out for a walk. So that took a while. And then when we returned he had way too much energy and didn’t want to go to bed. He tried for a little bit but got up and asked me to let him out of the bedroom and into the house around midnight. I gave up on getting any sleep so I went to the living room and sat with him.

Urinate IN the toilet, not ON the toilet.

From midnight until one in the morning Oreo lay on his pillow in the living room not sleeping and I practiced my guitar. I wasn’t happy about being up so late but at least I got some practice time in. I went to bed around one and Oreo came to bed sometime between one and two. Must be nice to be Dominica and get to sleep through the dog asking to do things but it keeps me awake. Just him walking around the room wakes me up.

My alarm went off at five thirty this morning but I was not about to get up and start working as tired as I was with just three and a half hours of sleep or so. I plugged in my office BlackBerry and checked my mail. No one needing me just yet. I slept a little while longer, but not long, and kept checking my mail every ten minutes or so until I was asked to deal with some issues for another team.

So by seven I was up and working. I wasn’t expecting to have an issue this morning (who does) so I ended up getting stuck working from home for the day as one issue piled up against another and I never had a chance to leave. But I got a lot of work done today so that worked out well.

I was busy enough that I decided to skip lunch and just eat something from the kitchen. There isn’t much in the way of food in the house so it was yoghurt and Smart Start cereal with vanilla soy milk for me. Cheap and healthy though.

Dominica ran out to Target over her lunch break and did some shopping. Just staples and some television on DVD. She realized today that it is 2008 and that later this year she will be turning thirty! But, of course, Danielle is turning thirty-two tomorrow. And luckily for all of us, she will always be older. But not as old as Francesca.

There was a lot of work to do around the house today. We have been falling behind since Christmas. I did two loads of dishes today and took no less than six loads of trash out to the trash and recycling room. I managed to make a good dent in the house though and it is looking much better.

Dominica got home and we had order in pizza from Tony’s. We watched What I Like About You – the 2002 television show with Amanda Bynes and Jennie Garth. I have never seen the show before but we are both big Amanda Bynes fans so we were confident that it would be a good show.

We ended up watching half of the first season, which wasn’t long, by the end of the night. We stopped watching at nine thirty and I went back to the living room to get back to work. Things have just been too busy at work for me not to be putting in lots of extra time right now.

Dominica went to bed when I went back out to work. I am hoping to be to bed around ten. After last night I am really exhausted.

I did manage to sneak in thirty to sixty minutes of playing classical guitar throughout the day. I am sounding much better.

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