March 15, 2008: Abby Mott and Country Devils

Even on the weekends it is nearly impossible to get a full night’s sleep. My alarm went off and before eight in the morning I was logged in and waiting for my colleagues from Bahrain to come online and to get started with the work that we have this morning. I went to bed just after midnight last night. So it wasn’t exactly a short night’s sleep but it wasn’t a long one either. Rather than a catching-up night it was more of a holding-my-ground night.

Abby Mott Ticket

I am extremely thankful that the apartment is so clean and that we have managed to do so much with the living room and office. The addition of all of the plants really has helped and the clean desks really make a difference when I stumble out here early in the morning.

Dominica and Oreo got up just after ten. There is no sunlight today so Oreo was not clamoring to move into the living room early. But he, and the plants, got a lot of sunlight this week so he (they) can’t really complain.

We got lunch from Airlie Cafe. We didn’t realize before that we can get food delivered from there. So we had them bring it over for us. That was a nice change. I was busy working and Dominica hates going out alone to get take out.

I ended up working about six hours today – until two in the afternoon. This is par for the course these days. My Saturdays are always really long but I can’t figure out why so much assistance is needed. But the timing is pretty good. Starting at eight means that I do a bit of the work while Dominica is still asleep so it doesn’t really cut into our time together too much on the weekend.

I took a break after wrapping up for the office and we played a few games of The Settlers of Catan. Dominica kicked my butt in almost every game.

Dominica and Oreo spent the afternoon napping while I did some work. At seven thirty we headed out to Manhattan to meet up with Kit and Jay. Jay is playing drums for Abby Mott who is performing at the Knitting Factory at 74 Leonard tonight.

We took the path over to the WTC and from there followed the directions to take the E train to Canal even though I felt like walking was better. It turns out that Canal is even farther from The Knitting Factory than the WTC is. So that was a bit of a waste. It ended up taking half an hour longer or maybe more. It was almost nine when we finally arrived at The Knitting Factory.

We actually made it there at the perfect time. Just in time to hear one band coming off that we weren’t interested in and got to listen to the Country Devils who were very good. We bought their CD. Kit bought their CD as well. The Country Devils are from Baltimore – same as Abby Mott.

Abby Mott was very good too. It was neat getting to go out and see live music in Manhattan. We never take advantage of being so close to the city and it is definitely nice to do it for a change.

We got home around midnight and Oreo was very glad to see us but did not have any accidents even with us being gone for so long and so late at night. We walked him and then were off to bed.

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