April 26, 2008: Crash Test Kitchen

Dominica is addicted to Crash Test Kitchen.

Today has that feel of being a lazy day indeed. It was really late when I finally got to bed last night and Oreo was exceptionally snuggly. So we all slept until noon today. Then we got up and pretty much headed straight out to go to IHOP for a late brunch. The IHOP up by UMDNJ is really excellent. They have consistently good food, the wait staff is always excellent and everything is quite fast. Of all of the IHOPs that I have ever been to that one is by far the best. It is truly impressive for an IHOP.

After lunch we came back to the apartment. Before too long I was paged out and ended up doing roughly two hours of work for the office. Dominica and Oreo snuggled up on the recliner and napped the afternoon away there. It is impossible to leave Oreo when he is being so snuggly like that.

Andy was on IM this afternoon and we talked over IM for several hours.

Dominica has been craving another trip to Mompou in the Ironbound all week since we went there with dad last Saturday. So tonight we have been planning on going back again. They will be happy to see us. The manager wonders where we have been if we go too long in between visits.

I have been running Handbrake around the clock on Dominica laptop trying to get as much stuff on DVD as possible transferred over to MP4 so that all of the DVDs can go back into storage and not have to sit around the apartment.  I have a large box of DVDs and books to ship to dad’s house the next time that we go there.

Our schedule is extremely busy over the next several weeks.  This weekend I am doing some homework and quite a bit of web site development work.  I really need to do some testing consulting work as well.  We will see if I am able to get to that or not.  Next weekend is Dominica’s crazy end of semester weekend with tons of project work due which is really going to be tough.  I have a bit of homework due next weekend.  We will see how that goes.  Then the weekend after that is when Dominica is leaving to go to Texas for nine days to be with her sister.  So Oreo and I will be alone for a whole week.  Logistics with him and daycare and my office will be tough.  I don’t have a good plan for that yet.

The weekend of May 26th is the only “free” weekend that we have together for more than a month.  And we probably have stuff going on then too and just don’t know it yet.

Then on May 31st Min and I are heading down to Florida for four days to go to Walt Disney World.  Then the following weekend is out to Louisville, Ohio for my cousin’s high school graduation party.  We are going to be so exhausted going into mid-June.  I can’t believe that Min wanted to go to WDW in the middle of all of that traveling.  She is really going to be missing Oreo going for thirteen days without seeing him over such a short period of time.

We went out to Mompou a little after eight.  Dinner was awesome as usual.  We took the shuttle to the restaurant but walked back.  It was a nice night for a walk and the exercise is good for us anyway.

Dominica pretty much turned in for the night after that just watching some AppleTV.  I stayed up until three thirty in the morning doing web site design work and reading “Agile Java Development“.  It was a very late night but I did managed to get a lot of work done.  It was a very productive night for me.

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