August 31, 2008: Labor Day Picnic

82 Days to Baby Day! (28 Weeks and 2 Days Pregnant)

Dominica, Oreo and I slept in a bit this morning.  Driving all day really wears you out.

We headed up to the Omega Grill for a late breakfast.  Having breakfast at the Omega is like the official declaration of being “home” for the weekend.

We talked to dad about the idea of him coming down to stay in Peekskill for a little while to help with the move and preparations for the baby.  The plan is that he will come down shortly after the closing on the house and have the place, more or less, to himself for the first two weeks while we are still living out of Newark so that Dominica can go to work.  During that time he will oversee the installation of our Internet access, some minor house repairs including having a plumber come in, some painting, etc.

Then, once October 31st comes and we are no longer able to stay in Newark, Dominica and I will move up to Peekskill and dad will “hang out” so that we have someone around to help with the baby logistics.  With me working in Manhattan it will take almost two hours for me to get home once Dominica realizes that she is going into labor.  That is a long time with no one that we know in the entire county.  So dad will be there to help get her to the hospital if it happens while I am at work and then to deal with Oreo while I am at the hospital with Dominica.

After breakfast we returned to dad’s house.  I did some computer work and dad set up for the afternoon’s picnic.  Dominica took a nap for a few hours with Oreo.

The family arrived around two thirty and we hung out in the side yard for a while until around four.  Then we started our labor day weekend picnic.  Dad grilled cedar plank salmon and we had amazing corn on the cob (boy have I missed good New York produce), potatoes, fruit and dip, etc.

After the party wound down, dad and Dominica hung out in the basement as she went through some of the stuff that we have packed at dad’s house.  She managed to eliminate more than a bin of stuff that will now go to the church rummage sale.  That was a pretty good reduction of the “bin stuff” that we had.  My cousin Sara is taking the plastic ficas trees that I used to have in my basement office in Geneseo.  We are also giving away the four “moon chairs” that we bought from Walmart while we were living in Geneseo.  We have no space for them at the Peekskill house.  It is a good size load from the garage that we managed to designate as “going away” rather than moving to Westchester with us.

I spent the evening working on getting Xen really working on the HP DL145 G3 that I bought just for that.  I spent the entire afternoon and evening working on it not finding out that HP did not document that they had crippled the processors to block this very thing until around two in the morning!  I can’t believe that they published a roadmap touting these features even after they had shipped this machine without mentioning that they had stripped those features out!  The capability is right there in the box but they are blocking its use!  🙁  I am extremely unhappy.

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