May 28, 2009: Cleaning Day

Neither Dominica nor I got much, if any, sleep last night.  Dominica had stayed up until one in the morning doing blog posting and other stuff in the living room with Oreo and I worked until three thirty in the morning.  By the time that I went to bed Liesl was upset and what little sleep Dominica and I got for the rest of the night was restless at best.  I was definitely dragging pretty heavily when I pulled myself out of bed this morning.

It is cool and gloomy again today.  Perfect weather for getting work done.

Today I was able to stress test the new desktop and compare it, doing similar work, to Dominica’s really nice laptop.  The new desktop, in an informal Handbrake test, is able to do roughly double the work that Dominica’s dual-core Turion laptop is able to do in the same amount of time.  To be fair I should mention that the desktop is doing that performance while being used as a full time, heavily used workstation without experiencing the slightest lag in desktop performance while the laptop is almost entirely idle doing nothing but doing the Handbrake work and is slightly sluggish if real work needs to be performed on it.  I am loving this new desktop as well as Windows 7.

Lots of work today but I feel good about it.  I hate being under the gun and I am not keeping up with things, I think.  I am so glad that I stayed up late last night and pushed through all of that work that I had to do.

Today I got to spend a lot of great time with my daughter.  She was in a great mood today and was awake at the right times for us to be able to hang out.  She is already old enough that she loves sitting on the recliner next to her dad.  She often sits beside me while I eat my lunch.  She is very happy to just watch me eat and snuggle.  Then I feed her her bottle.  We have a really good time.

Today was a big cleaning day for us.  Now that the Kirby has bags again I have been vacuum crazy.  The carpet feels so nice now that we are getting it really clean again.  Almost time for its quarterly shampooing!  I can’t believe that we are about to shampoo the carpets for the third time since moving to Peekskill.  Boy does time ever fly.

Katie was going to come over this evening to hang out a little.  She had some dental work done today and while riding home on the bus started to feel ill so decided to take a rain check.  Maybe we will see her next week.

I did some work today setting up LogMeIn which is a really awesome service.  LogMeIn gives you remote access to your computers in a really secure, easy to use way with a lot of great features.  I don’t recommend it for heavy remote desktop usage but it is great for when you need emergency access or just need to get in and fix some things.  One of the great features is the multiple machine support that it has with multiple users.  Very cool.

We skipped most any relaxing tonight in lieu of cleaning and then it was time to turn in “early” as tomorrow is going to be a busy day and I need to be up early so that I have time to get completely caught up on everything before doing my online seminar where I am an expert panelist for backup solutions.  Should be interesting.

In the afternoon, Joe and Brit are due to arrive and are staying for the weekend.  This may be their only opportunity to see where we live before packing up and moving to Houston in a few weeks.

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