April 2, 2010: Family Day

Today is Good Friday so I am off of work (sort of) and at home with Dominica, Liesl and Oreo.  No need to go into the office.  I am very glad that I have a whole day to just spend with the family.  We need some time together.

Liesl and I hung out all day together.  We really missed one another.

This weekend we are planning to spend a lot of time with the family here in the Ft. Worth area.  Today is just time to hang out at home.

I did end up needing to work quite a bit today but as long as I was home it wasn’t too bad.

Liesl is so much “older” now than when I left here just two weeks ago.  She has more hair, new facial expressions, she eats more, talks more and communicates so much.  It is so sad that I missed two weeks of her gaining all these new talents.  She really is a full fledged toddler now.  She is incredibly interactive.

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