February 19, 2011: Visiting with Jenn

Jenn got up and went running long before any of the Millers were awake this morning.  I got up just as she was returning from her run.

Our plan today was pretty much to take it easy and to relax at home.  I had a lot of work that needed my attention today so I spent much of the day in my office (the nursery as the real office is nowhere close to being done yet) working while the girls hung out.  It worked out well as it gave them a lot of time to visit with each other.  They are lucky if they get to see each other once a year.

The girls all went out shopping this evening which worked out well as I ended up on a conference call for about three and a half hours.  Too much work to do, too little time.

Off to bed at a good time tonight, at least.

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