February 28, 2011: Last Day Home Alone

Dominica decided that she would stay in Houston today and come back tomorrow as Clara is sick and going in to see the doctor today and Francesca is staying home with her.  That worked out well for me so that I could get more work done even though I really miss Liesl a lot and don’t like her being away for this long.

I stayed at home today as our contractor was supposed to be coming by to do some more work.  That worked out well since I really needed to stay home with Oreo too.  He might be good for half of a day but I think that an entire day at home alone for him would be really stressful – I would come home at lunch of course but he would not want to go back into his kennel after I came home to work him, that’s for sure.

I ended up having a quiet day at home without anyone showing up at all.  Oreo is still happy with the peace and quiet but was visibly searching the house trying to figure out where Dominica was.  He likes the quiet but does not enjoy not having his entire family together.  He worries.

I did very well this entire weekend at eating food that was left over in the fridge and pantry rather than going out to eat for every meal like Dominica expected that I would.  That helped a lot with getting the fridge cleared down.

Finally I got the contractor to show up for a tiny bit this evening after complaining that I had taken the day off of work to allow him to get access so that he could work.  The lack of communications and showing up when he says “see you tomorrow” or “I’ll be right back” is a major problem.

The girls will likely be home by mid-afternoon tomorrow.

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