May 4, 2011: Medifast Day Two

Today is my second day on Medifast.  I am already in to the routine for the most part.  It’s not that bad and I feel pretty good.  I don’t have any problems cutting back to fewer calories, in fact I usually feel better when doing that.  It feels like I am making progress but hard to say.  It is only the second day.  I weighed in on Monday but haven’t yet since then.  I’m going to give it a few days in the hopes of seeing visible progress by the time that I first weigh in.  I’d be awfully upset if I found out that I was actually fluctuating up or something in the interim.

This evening, Watson and I went and spent several hours down in Las Colinas doing some datacenter work.  It was a long night, probably three hours, but we were productive.  I took some of my Medifast with me to mix and “eat” while working.

While we were there, Dominica found a cricket in our bedroom.  She was not happy about that at all.  She did manage to kill it before I got home, though.

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