September 12, 2012: Karaoke Night

It’s Wednesday.  I was in the office this morning.  At lunch Chris and I went to Redneck and decided to do karaoke tonight.

This evening, Dominica and had decided that we needed a night out together rather than always having to go out without each other.  So we had found a babysitter who is going to be watching the girls tonight.  This is our first time, ever, having someone who isn’t family watching the girls.  Our babysitter is twenty-one, a friend of a friend and from very, very close to where Dominica grew up and only moved to Texas several weeks ago and it is someone that Dominica already knows.  Still, the first time leaving the girls alone with someone!  This will be interesting.

The girls did really well tonight.  We got reports that they were little angels.  Liesl seems to have had a really good time playing with her babysitter.  Luciana was asleep before we left so was not really aware that she was with a babysitter for the evening.

Dominica has been wanting to actually go to Redneck (not just sneak in and never get service) and so we went there and had dinner before heading out for karaoke which doesn’t really get going for quite some time anyway.  She actually enjoyed it this time.  Now she knows to be seated rather than just getting a drink from the bar and grabbing a table.

At ten thirty we went to The Quarter in Addison and met up with Chris and sang karaoke for most of the evening.  We had a good time and one of his friends met up with us later on in the evening.  We all sang some, Dominica and I did a duet of Blackhawk, even.

It was a nice night out, we had a good time.  And we are very excited that we now have a babysitter!  We need to get out sometimes.

It was really late by the time that we got back, I drove the sitter home and finally got off to bed.  Going to be very tired tomorrow.

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