Sunday. I got up and had only a little time to myself this morning. I was in my office doing a little bit of work and a little bit of travel show research when Luciana got up and came in to ask me if we could go Lego shopping this morning. She had asked last night and I had told her that if she got up in time that we would go in the morning, so she got herself up and asked straight away. Liesl wanted to come, too, as they both have Christmas money from my dad to spend on stuff and Dominica decided that she would come as well. We are just going to check out Walmart’s selection this morning and if they have what the girls want, then good, and if not then we will try going somewhere tomorrow that has a different selection.
I would guess that it was ten when Luciana got up and we were over to Walmart by around eleven. It turns out that Walmart had a great Lego selection and the girls found loads of stuff that they liked. Luciana narrowed it down to two sets that she wanted, one was $99 and one was $63. She finally decided that she would go with the $63 Lego Friends house set, and save some money for another smaller set or two later. Liesl had not been completely sure if she was going to go with Legos for her Christmas present, but once we were there that is what she decided that she was going to do as well. And just to make things easy, Liesl decided that she wanted the $99 Lego Friends Resort set that Ciana had decided to wait on. Now the girls have two sets that they both really like to share. And they are both huge, it is a lot of Lego building for them to do, and both sets are designed to be used in imaginative play which is primarily how the girls will use them.

We had to rush home after shopping so that I could shower and get ready. Rachel had texted and was on her way to pick me up as soon as we had gotten back. Today was our scheduled LARPing day, plus Nick and Corey need to go house shopping today.

Dominica decided that today was going to be a Twilight marathon for her, because it is available on Hulu. She took over the living room and settled in to do that all day.

Rachel grabbed me at one and we drove up to Denton. We went to Nick’s apartment and picked up Nick and Corey (and today is Corey’s 25th birthday, too!)

We looked at four or five houses. There were some serious duds, but there were two winners, too. Some good options up in Denton. Not a lot on the market right now. Rachel is the real estate agent, but I’m the house master as the only one of the group that has bought and sold houses as an adult.
The four of us were house shopping until four when we had to drop off Nick and Corey so that they could get ready for a birthday dinner party with family.
Rachel and I were both running on zero food for the day and were pretty hungry. A quick stop at Taco Bueno fixed that as we headed to the park to meet up with the LARPing crew who Rachel had been calling to make sure that they were still there.
Unlike last time that we went LARPing (she LARPs, I just hang out) instead of one hundred and twenty people, there were just two. Very different. It was already getting dark and it was chilly and drizzly so it was just hanging out for two hours under the park shelter.
We were not hungry yet, since we had tacos just two hours before, so we hit East Side for a couple of beers. Just the two of us at the bar tonight (the bar was busy, but we didn’t bring anyone else with us) which is unusual so we just hung out for a few hours and actually had a chance to catch up and really talk.
On the way back to Carrollton we stopped at Fuzzy Taco and got fish tempura tacos (Rachel) and rish tempura burrito (me) for dinner; hit the beer store on Kelley for some new beers for Rachel to try; then went to the house.
Dominica switched to the bedroom to keep watching her Twilight movies. Rachel, the girls, and I moved into the living room and we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Rachel has been really excited to get back to the Harry Potter series and she really enjoyed this one.
Then Rachel and I finished the seventh episode of The Haunting of Hill House which we had started a few weeks ago. Three episodes left to go.
Rachel was not feeling well after her fish taco and we are suspecting that she might have a sensitivity to fried food, which I had put together. She managed to make it home, but got sick as soon as she got there.
Next weekend we are considering skipping LARPing and not going up to Denton at all for a change and doing a movie marathon day so taht she can really get into the core Harry Potter movies and maybe finish Hill House.