Sunday. I got up on the late side and was pretty much straight off to work. Another very busy day. I worked for several hours this morning, mostly with Allen. It was a long day, at least seven hours of working at the office. Rodrigo is off this weekend for his wedding anniversary so my normal pressure relief valve is not around.
A storm rolled in this morning and it was raining for much of the day. Not too heavy, though.
Kat came over for a little bit today, then she, Paul and Dominica ran out to deal with some stuff for a few hours for her. I was still working.
Rachel stopped by between showing houses and getting ready to go bar tend. But I only got to see her for a few minutes.
Very little to say about the day. I was in my office until after six when I was finally able to wrap it up and walk away. Things should be pretty much good for tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be really busy.
We put on 30 Rock for a while. Everyone wanted Taco Bueno for dinner. Dominica and I went out and swung through Taco Bell for Liesl, then Taco Bueno for Dominica, Kat, and I. Luciana had shells and cheese, Paul made himself something.
After dinner I was in the mood for something sweet. We had nothing in the house. Liesl wanted to come with me. We went to Braum’s and got ice cream. It is right down on Trinity Mills. Liesl got the cookie monster fancy sunday. I just got a frozen yoghurt soft serve cone, small.

We came back home and watched more television with everyone for a while. Then around ten, Kat went home and everyone went to bed. Liesl and I set up Deponia and played for a while and I poured some wine.
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. We did a lot of work today to try to have as much as possible ready for tomorrow. But there are so many people going to be using the network tomorrow that someone is bound to unearth all kinds of unforeseen situations. I am going to be so tired all week.